Bills and Resolutions
2024 Laws Passed
HB24-1002 - Social Work Licensure Compact
Eliminate the necessity for social workers to obtain licenses from multiple states by providing for the mutual recognition of licenses from other states that have signed the compact (member states)
HB24-1048 - Providing Veterinary Services Through Telehealth
The bill concerns the use of telehealth to provide veterinary services. The bill defines different types of telehealth tools that can be used in a veterinary practice.
HB24-1093 - Peace Officer Provisional Certification Requirements
The bill removes the exception for the armed forces, so that being a peace officer in the armed forces satisfies that requirement for a provisional certificate.
HB24-1111 - Adopt Cosmetology Licensure Compact
Concerning the adoption of the cosmetology licensure compact.
HB24-1249 - Tax Credit Agricultural Stewardship Practices
Concerning a state income tax credit for active agricultural stewardship practices, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
HB24-1278 - Sunset Concurrent Enrollment Advisory Board
Concerning the continuation of the concurrent enrollment advisory board, and, in connection therewith, implementing the recommendation in the department of regulatory agencies' 2023 sunset report.
HB24-1282 - Ninth-Grade Success Grant & Performance Reporting
Concerning measures to increase the success rates of ninth-grade students in public high schools in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing an appropriation.
HB24-1314 - Modification Tax Credit Preservation Historic Structures
Concerning expanding the income tax credit for qualified costs incurred in preservation of historic structures, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
HB24-1369 - Colorado Agriculture Special License Plate
Concerning the creation of a Colorado agriculture license plate, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
HB24-1461 - Exemption for College Program Completion Earned Time
Concerning an exemption from the limit on earned time for earned time awarded to nonviolent offenders who complete an accredited higher education program.
SB24-030 - Recidivism Definition Working Group
The bill requires the division of criminal justice in the department of public safety to convene a working group to develop a definition of "recidivism" to be used by each state entity that collects data or reports on recidivism, in any report issued by the entity. The working group consists of representatives of the judicial department, the department of corrections, the division of youth services in the department of human services, the state board of parole, the department of public safety, an institution of higher education, and a community-based organization that works for criminal legal reform and supports consistent data collection.
SB24-137 - Planting of Uncertified Potatoes
Concerning the planting of uncertified potatoes, and, in connection therewith, requiring that uncertified potato seed stock be tested and approved by the certifying authority of Colorado before planting.
SB24-138 - Modification of County Elected Officer Salary Categories
Concerning the modification of the salary categorization of locally elected officers in specified counties.
SB24-168 - Remote Monitoring Services for Medicaid Members
Concerning remote monitoring services for Medicaid members, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
SB24-183 - Mobile Home Taxation Task Force
Concerning the distraint sale of a mobile home to collect delinquent property taxes, and, in connection therewith, temporarily suspending the distraint sale of mobile homes, creating a task force on mobile home ownership and taxation, and making an appropriation.
2023 Laws Passed
HB23-1037: Department Of Corrections Earned Time For College Program Completion
HB23-1088: Veterans Mental Health Session Reimbursement Program
SB23-157: Sunset Offender Reentry And Education Programs
HB23-1261: No Requirement For Selective Service Higher Education
SB23-291: Utility Regulation is a bill concerning the public utilities commission's regulation of energy utilities.
SB23-205: Universal High School Scholarship Program
SB23-088: Sentence Served Before Parole And Notify Victim concerning an study on an offender's eligibility for release from confinement.
HB23-1093: Higher Education Staff Sabbaticals
HB23-1139: Modification of Rural Counties Officer Salary Categories
SB23-052: Municipal Priority Lien Surviving Treasurer's Deed