Latest updates from the campaign:
Rep. Martinez already up and running with legislation
Focus on education, veterans, behavior health, farming, water
ALAMOSA — With the 2024 session already underway, the Valley Courier caught up with Rep. Matt Martinez (D-62) to get his take on what legislative priorities he has for this session and what’s ahead for Colorado’s legislature.
Martinez has already introduced two bills, both bi-partisan and bi-cameral, with a slate of additional bills to follow. In a furtherance of priorities reflected throughout his tenure, he continues to focus on behavior health, education, veterans, boosting tourism, farming and water.
Pueblo lawmakers outline goals, priorities for upcoming Colorado legislative session
State legislators all spent some time at the Colorado Capitol in November during a special session and are now preparing for the upcoming regular session that will start on Jan. 10, 2024.
The Chieftain recently spoke with the legislators representing most of the areas in and around Pueblo, all of whom are preparing for their second full legislative session in January.
Colorado House Speaker praises Rep. Martinez, work of legislature
MONTE VISTA — The Rio Grande Democratic JFK Dinner’s keynote speaker was Colorado House Speaker Julie McCluskie. She praised fellow Democrat and local Rep. Matthew Martinez and talked about what the legislature has accomplished.
Rep. Martinez brings Latino Caucus, Speaker of the House to Valley
ALAMOSA — In two separate events, first-term Rep. Matt Martinez (D-D62) brought seven members of Colorado state legislature’s Latino Caucus and Colorado’s Speaker of the House Rep. Julie McCluskie to Alamosa last week where substantive conversations were held with community members about issues facing residents of the San Luis Valley.
Episode 144: Colorado Democratic Latino Caucus
Members of the Colorado Democratic Latino Caucus join us to talk about their visit to Alamosa and issues of the SLV.
Rep. Martinez seeking re-election in 2024
DENVER — In a press release sent to the Valley Courier, Representative Matt Martinez (D) has announced his intention to run for re-election in November 2024. He represents District 62, which includes all six counties in the San Luis Valley as well as Huerfano and Pueblo.
Rep. Martinez Recognizes History Preservation Effort of Vigil
Rick Vigil, founder of Down to Earth Media, was recognized and honored by State Rep. Matthew Martinez (D-62) and the Colorado House of Representatives for his exceptional dedication to preserving the oral history of the San Luis Valley. Through his work in collecting and documenting stories, Vigil aims to ensure that the rich cultural heritage of the Valley is kept alive for future generations, expressing his hope that his films will become part of school curricula to educate people about the unique culture and heritage of the region.
Gov. Polis Signs 3 Bills Into Law in Alamosa
Governor Jared Polis signed three bills into law at a ceremony held in Alamosa, Colorado. The bipartisan bills, sponsored by Representative Matthew Martinez, aim to create a high school scholarship program, remove the requirement for selective service registration when applying for college, and increase access to mental health services for veterans.
Colorado Reduces Prison Sentences for Inmates Pursing Higher Education
Colorado Politics - Hannah Metzger - New law deducts six months for a certificate, one year for an associate or bachelor’s degree, 18 months for a master's degree and two years for a doctorate degree.
Rep. Martinez talks ‘in-demand, high priority’ jobs with first lady Jill Biden
Priscilla Waggoner, Courier reporter ALAMOSA– Rep. Matthew Martinez (D-D62) was provided a rare opportunity earlier this week when he was selected to be part of a small group of bipartisan legislators who sat down for a conversation with first lady Jill Biden during her visit to the state capitol.
20,000 Coloradans to benefit from free training in associate degrees, certifications A second bill would offer a $1,500 scholarship for graduating hig
Legislative panel on rising utilities rates set to convene
Marianne Goodland - Colorado Politics - The first meeting of the Joint Select Committee on Rising Utility Rates will convene Tuesday afternoon, but it won't be an opportunity for the public to talk to lawmakers about their utility bills.
Senate President Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder, told reporters Tuesday morning that the committee's first meeting, scheduled for 2 p.m., is a "table-setter" that will allow lawmakers to hear from state regulators and others on what's behind the high electric bills.
Many Coloradans are facing utility bills that are twice as high or more than they were a year ago. Xcel Energy, the state's largest investor-owned utility, has cited higher costs for natural gas as the reason in its filings for rate hikes to the Public Utilities Committee. NASDAQ reported a high of more than $9 per cubit foot in August 2022, though that price has come back down to around $3 per cubic foot this year.
Bill granting reduced sentences for non-violent inmates earning college degrees passes House
Passes House 61-1
ALAMOSA — A bill that allows non-violent offenders in prison to earn time off their sentence by earning a college degree or certificate has passed the Colorado House of Representatives with one vote shy of unanimous, bipartisan approval.
Introduced by Rep. Matt Martinez (D-District 62) with sponsorship by Rep. Rose Pugliese (R-Dist. 14), HB23-1027 “Department of Corrections Earned Time for College Program Completion” would grant incarcerated individuals earned time off their sentence for degrees earned from an accredited university while in prison.
Rep. Martinez introduces his first bill!
Representative Matthew Martinez (D) - Monte Vista has introduced his first bill! HB23-1037 Department Of Corrections Earned Time For College Program Completion is also being co-sponsored by Senator Julie Gonzales. Committee hearings should be scheduled shortly!
Rep. Martinez has been "A little busy"
ALAMOSA — Matthew Martinez, newly elected Colorado state representative for the San Luis Valley and District 62, has only been in office for five days, but he has hit the ground running.
Despite a schedule that sounds not unlike a 10-cities-in-5-days tour that just happens to take place beneath the gold dome of the State Capital, the former Marine and director of Adams State University’s Prison College Program has already introduced one bicameral piece of legislation with four more bills on the way.
Former HD 62 Representative Ed Vigil has Endorsed Matthew Martinez!
Former Colorado House District 62 Representative Ed Vigil has endorsed Matthew Martinez for his former position!
One Colorado has Endorsed Matthew Martinez!
One Colorado has Endorsed Matthew Martinez for House District 62!
Colorado Working Families Party Endorses Matthew Martinez!
The Colorado Working Families Party has endorsed Matthew Martinez for House District 62!
Colorado Optometric Association Endorses Matthew Martinez
The Colorado Optometric Association has endorsed Matthew Martinez for Colorado House District 62!
Colorado Education Association Endorses Matthew Martinez!
The Colorado Education Association has endorsed Matthew Martinez for Colorado House District 62!
AFSCME Endorses Matthew Martinez
AFSCME Endorses Matthew Martinez for Colorado House District 62!
Colorado Professional Fire Fighters Endorses Matthew Martinez!
The Colorado Professional Fire Fighters Endorses Matthew Martinez for Colorado House District 62!
Colorado WINS Endorses Matthew Martinez!
Colorado WINS has endorsed Matthew Martinez for Colorado House District 62!
SEIU Local 105 Endorses Matthew Martinez
SEIU Local 105 has endorsed Matthew Martinez for Colorado House District 62!
Colorado House District 62: Riggenbach and Martinez
Carol Riggenbach defeated Ryan G. Williams in the Republican primary Tuesday to earn a matchup against Democrat Matthew Martinez for the Colorado House District 62 seat.
Martinez will try to hold onto the statehouse seat for the Democrats following Don Valdez, who has represented the district since 2017. Valdez, who failed in his bid for the U.S. Congress, will end his term in January 2023.
In interviews Tuesday with Alamosa Citizen, Riggenbach and Martinez addressed some of the issues that will come up on the campaign trail leading into the November general election.
Colorado AFL-CIO Has Endorsed Matthew Martinez!
Colorado AFL-CIO has Endorsed Matthew Martinez for Colorado House District 62!